How Employers Can Leverage TikTok to Bridge the Workplace Empathy Gap

A must-read report for employer brand, employee engagement, employee experience, talent acquisition and resourcing managers, and all HR professionals.

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The experience of young people entering the workplace in the last five years has been extraordinary. Baffled, daunted, and demoralised, it’s no wonder that employers and researchers find Gen Z to be aloof and disengaged.

In reaction, cynical and sensationalist headlines make things worse by reinforcing a view of younger people which is critical and adversarial.

Employers face an empathy gap which limits our ability to collaborate, innovate, and thrive as a multi-generational workforce.

Noticing a lack of data in this space, BrandPointZero have analysed 90K data points from January to May 2024 revealing how young British people talk about their experience of work in TikTok.

This report will uncover the insights within three key trends offering practical advice on how people responsible for employer communications and experiences should react to help bridge the empathy gap.